John Clough - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, & Drums

Ro-Sham-Bo.  Satellite Green.  Crossing Oceans, Troubled Sons. 

Any of these band names sound familiar?  Hit your “Like” button and give me a "whoop whoop" now to make your presence known!

Anyone?  (Queue the sound of crickets). Et tu, Mom?

C’est la vie.

Most music "arteests" spend a lifetime railing against the demon that is anonymity.  No worries.  

My name’s John, and I've got the music in me.

Music is an emotional experience that touches everyone. The performers and the types of songs they produce define moments in time, shape our thinking, drive fashion, and influence future enthusiasts.  Listening to music and following the adventures of its elite practitioners has always been my #1 form of entertainment and fulfillment (ie. it's my thang).  As a boy, I sat in front of a turntable for hours, hypnotized by the spinning record and the sounds that were set free when the needle etched its way through the grooves.

I’ve spent a good many years in local bands, plying my craft, creating and performing original and cover music.  Growing up, I fantasized about being a member of The Beatles, The Stones, KISS, Van Halen, Ozzy, Rush, Zeppelin, Metallica, Queen, U2, or more recently Seether, Foo Fighters & Alter Bridge; living the rock n’ roll lifestyle; travelling the globe. I imagined myself up there with the stage lights, amplifier stacks, smoke machines, pyrotechnics, lasers, groupies, roadies, obnoxiously large drum kits, flashy guitars, screaming fans, and the smell of beer and sweat.

These days, my musical fulfillment comes mostly from sitting with a guitar and playing classic rock and country tunes.  I'm transported back to various events in my life by each song.  I'm thinking of making an act out of this; perhaps playing a few shows here and there.  I'll bet I can trigger some significant memories and feelings in my audience.  That's what music is all about for me.